Foolhardy Wish Fulfillment

Friday, February 24, 2006


I never thought I would be this excited about curling results.

P.S. 12 days

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I have started playing badminton a couple of times a week with some French Canadians here at the Canadian Space Agency. I am having a hoot. I've won a couple of doubles games but I have as yet to win a singles match. I am not too concerned however because I only played badminton in High School gym class so my expectations aren't high. However I am getting noticeably better. I am almost at the point where I begin to learn some French cuss words.

P.S. 14 days

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Two New Songs

I am slowly teaching myself to play the guitar. Some thing very strange is happening to me. I have written two songs in the last couple of weeks. They are incredibly simple and one sounds like a children's song (but so much fun to play). The strange bit is that I wrote them because I was too lazy to look up chords for songs I enjoy listening to. Another strange thing that I noticed that is when I play them I feel more comfortable, I play them with a confidence that it takes me a long time to feel with the other songs I learn/ing to play.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Viciously Milk

Last night I had some pretty good times. I went out to diner with friends from work (and some of their friends too) to celebrate my birthday. It was an evening of good food, surprisingly good random wine (fermented Honey, the mead runs well, [stupid French labels]), good people and good talk.

I think I earned the quote of the evening. A student from the CSA was describing a bull fight that he got to see while he was in Spain visiting relatives. He was telling us that before the big bulls come out that children are allowed to fight calves and as they move up through the age categories they face larger and larger livestock. So young teenagers face full grown cows, rather than the raging bulls. The way he described it was that the teenagers get to do their thing with these cows in the arena. That sort of struck me funny, and the wine was certainly a factor in this as well. I asked "So they are viciously milked?". There is a bit of a pause. I asked rather quietly in a large busy restaurant, and they weren't exactly sure what I said. "What was that Stuart?" "Viciously milk" I reply. There is another little pause...I could see slightly baffled looks cross their faces as they process, and all of a sudden the entire table breaks out laughing.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Happy Birthday to me

Yup, today I turn the ripe old age of 21.

Ripe indeed. I can't say I have any words of wisdom, or gained any additional insight since yesterday. This might be of use though, wait for the cake to cool before you make the icing. That is one fugly cake I made last night.


Friday, February 03, 2006

Get to see Wax

Wax is going to be in Montreal on the 8th March at a place called Zoobizzare. You might be wondering why I am puting this in a post. Well you see if I write it down some where I am more likely to remember. That and I want to get a copy of The Price and not pay for it twice.